
Poems, old age, let go MaryJane Nordgren Poems, old age, let go MaryJane Nordgren

stand down and stand by

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

 elderly now we

watch rather than live for

as our progeny work out

their own mistakes

and hug their chosen in triumphs

observers now of what we gave life

and fought to nurture

we are left to learn

our own eternal being

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Poems, 4th of July MaryJane Nordgren Poems, 4th of July MaryJane Nordgren

wind-driven stars and stripes

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

 awing, what a piece of cloth can say

curling, whipping upwards like a flame

twisting, unfurling to full banner in the wind

silently relating history and sacrifice

pride, hope, people striving for better

extending white and red as though to reach for freedom for everyone

showcasing stars, that, like celestial bodies above, shine on all below

long may it wave

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Poems, old age, threat MaryJane Nordgren Poems, old age, threat MaryJane Nordgren

not yet

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

not yet


frightened? yes, a little

all my life i’ve been independent

but now the vertigo threatens; the pandemic limits

the grass grows to my waist; cobwebs drape from high ceilings

over six months i’ve grown old


but not old enough to give in

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Poems, music, performance, handbells MaryJane Nordgren Poems, music, performance, handbells MaryJane Nordgren

high impact concert

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren



high impact concert


Bells of the Cascades

intense individual musicians side by side, playing only

their own few notes as though D through F# on the piano

but creating a musical whole, ensemble

rapid runs, trills, intricate rhythms, varying techniques requiring skill

practiced change from mallet to ring to damping sound on padded table

to switching to chime rung or bowed

dedicated to difficult, complex, ethereal or passionate expression

rapt audience watching, listening

rising to their feet to acknowledge these incredible players made one

by genius young director Matthew Compton

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Poems, reaching out MaryJane Nordgren Poems, reaching out MaryJane Nordgren


An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren after seeing the photograph ‘Together’ by William F. Wood, Forest Grove, Oregon


we need to touch, hand

on shoulder, not to possess

but to say i care


to touch is to connect

to feel, to know a presence

beyond my own world

a gentle, resting touch

to share experience

greater than each self

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Poems, touch, bonds MaryJane Nordgren Poems, touch, bonds MaryJane Nordgren

the bond of touch

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

the bond of touch

after seeing a black and white photo by William Wood


hair tumbling to her waist she sits straight-backed but not resisting

his hand gathering that silken hair to rest on her shoulder

expressing hope, care and tenderness in his touch

awakening in youth

what will bond and succor each

through pains and triumphs

of human life

                                    mjNordgren 5/31/2022  N

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Poems, feelings, mindset MaryJane Nordgren Poems, feelings, mindset MaryJane Nordgren

hate, too

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren



pain and fear encage

blinding panoramic views

of the joy of life

                        mjNordgren  5/29/2022  N

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Poems MaryJane Nordgren Poems MaryJane Nordgren

fear so deep

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

behind the mantra: “guns don’t kill people; people kill people”

must lie so deep a fear, so primal a distrust

a paranoia so terrifying that, to it, we willingly

sacrifice out children

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Poems, edited tapes, discussion MaryJane Nordgren Poems, edited tapes, discussion MaryJane Nordgren

celebratory artist interviews

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

(with thanks to Emily, Margarita and Suba)

interviews of local artists by students learning marketing and advocacy of the arts celebrated in an evening of discussion and recorded tapes

well presented with dark background so each artist,

responding to unseen interviewer, is seen naturally

rather than embarrassed by the camera

each is led to speak of concepts vital to an artist’s being

creativity, nourishment for the soul, connection to the richest of life

and the need to reach to share

wandering thoughts then edited and presented as moments

of hard-gained wisdom and joy

a privilege to be a participant

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Poems MaryJane Nordgren Poems MaryJane Nordgren

floral personae

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren



street gang of zinnias

between choirs of calla lilies

violets cower

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Poems MaryJane Nordgren Poems MaryJane Nordgren

i love you today

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren


pacific shore calm or ravaged

wispy white clouds or thunderous gray

rain-drenched or enveloped in fog

waves gliding in atop each other or pounding in masculine anger

ocean shore renews and expands a primal rhythm within me

synchronizes my soul with the universe

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Poems, childhood memories MaryJane Nordgren Poems, childhood memories MaryJane Nordgren

Kelley’s Island bonfire

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren


Kelley’s Island in Lake Erie

primitive cabin with electricity that went off and came on

as it would decades ago

but plenty of driftwood drying on the lawn until ready

visiting extended family built a bonfire on the rocky shore

neighbors and strangers from up and down the coast

came to the leaping orange of the flames and spitting sparks

as we sang The Cannibal King and Swing Low Sweet Chariot

with my sister beside to hold me i let my toddler self be gleefully frightened

of the flitting firelight and shadow playing terrifying angles

on even familiar faces

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Poems, celebration MaryJane Nordgren Poems, celebration MaryJane Nordgren

grandma of great fortune

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

woman of courage completing her master’s

young women of solid accomplishment finding their feet and quiet strength

these are my granddaughters


fun musician graduating high school

caring college student working from and for home

brilliant young rebel honored by university for fighting for justice

firstborn of my grandsons taking on love and life with compassion and joy

these seven of my great fortune

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Poems MaryJane Nordgren Poems MaryJane Nordgren

oregon may 1st

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

may has arrived

chill, gray, deflowered, hopeful

man will learn to care

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Poems, rules MaryJane Nordgren Poems, rules MaryJane Nordgren

tarnished rules

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

rules are sometimes stupid, like the old one where, if two

drivers came to a four-way stop at the same time,

each must wait until the other had gone


but rules are attempts to prevent chaos, to lessen anarchy

so we can live at peace


thus, we are upset and discouraged by trending attitudes of

“I can do whatever I want”


a recent clothes shopping trip where several women before me

left the clothes they didn’t want in heaps around the dressing room


or vacationers who littered and damaged their rented spot


or anger in traffic escalating into gun violence


or, at our local school, a pair of youngsters planning to beat up

a fellow student, but when a teacher intervened, beat and hurt her, too


perhaps we need to simplify and turn again

to the Golden Rule

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Poems, clouds MaryJane Nordgren Poems, clouds MaryJane Nordgren

clouds have their own ways

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

individual clouds have their own ways

some, misty and delicate, float; some puff up as though

with laughter and good will

some, blushing blue, sprinkle rain; some pound the earth with deluge

a few gather discontented, angry friends and fellow haters

to dance themselves into spinning frenzy

creating pain and havoc

mostly on those who had nothing to do with whatever triggered

that cloud’s dismay

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Poems, haiku, birds, deer MaryJane Nordgren Poems, haiku, birds, deer MaryJane Nordgren

haikus this odd april

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

haikus in this odd april


osprey nest abandoned/ pair had nestled over eggs/ driven out by fierce cold


do does remember/ harsh winter or teach their young/ to hunt by instinct


do ducks know numbers/ how to count the trail of duckling/ mourn the one missing

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Poems, water MaryJane Nordgren Poems, water MaryJane Nordgren

distorting to delight

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

ribbons of water cascading appear as glass columns

shift-shaping greens seen through them

to fantastical beings, fairy-like, intriguing

drawing me to remember my delight in this world

before i thought i knew everything

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