
human nature MaryJane Nordgren human nature MaryJane Nordgren

comfort and taxes

strange to think of Joseph worrying

about transporting his very pregnant wife

when she ought to have been pampered instead of uprooted

by an unyielding government ruling

that all the world should be taxed

just like us with petty but nagging

concerns for the well-being

of those we love that nudge

then jolt us with the truth

of our own inadequacy

to do what we ought, let alone

what we want

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Poems MaryJane Nordgren Poems MaryJane Nordgren

awesome chandelier

An original poem by MaryJane Nordgren

 wondering why i didn’t buy

the Venetian glass chandelier

that so gave me awe and raw desire

first, with failing ears,

i did not hear the offer to include

my long-stemmed glasses free

second, i could not get three

life-long concern always to treat

my three kids as close to equally

as humanly possible, how could i

have only one such treasure

in my home that might cause hurt

between them? their love for each other

is more valuable to me than all

the ‘boughten’ things I could

ever purchase

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