Bells of the Cascades and Cathedral Bells

Bells of the Cascades and Cathedral Bells “Encore” June 2, 2024


riveted to watching, listening

soaring with the handbell skill

and techniques we sat forward

on our seats to take in the music

before it lifted to the multi-story

archway over the cathedral crux

Matthew Compton and Alex Guebert

composers, arrangers, directors

intense musicians and collaborating friends bringing us masterful “Nexus,”

“Reconciliation,” and “All Creatures

of Our God and King”

the joy of experiencing awe

MaryJane Nordgren

Author of the Nandria Series, MaryJane is a retired family practice physician who grew up in the Midwest but now lives in the Pacific Northwest.


Bluffo-the-clown on Emptee


i’m okay